Disabled Children: A Legal Handbook (Council for Disabled Children)

Disabled Children: A Legal Handbook (3rd Edition) is available from the Council for Disabled Children for free. Disabled Children: a legal handbook is an authoritative yet accessible guide to the legal rights of disabled children and their families in England. The authors expertly navigate the many, often overlapping, sources of law, explaining the difference between what public bodies must do to support disabled children and that which they may do. Every chapter is available as a PDF download at the bottom of the page. This is a great resource that can back up your understanding of your rights (and your childs). You can get in touch with us if you have questions or require more information. We understand that the world of SEN/D and the legal frameworks can be very overwhelming, and it is our job to support you in a manageable fashion. ...
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IPSEA Update on COVID-19, school closures and SEN provision

IPSEA Update on COVID-19, school closures and SEN provision

Please follow the link here for the full briefing from IPSEA (Independent Provider of Special Education Advice). We understand that this is a very challenging time, and the uncertainty is impacting on families. The briefing covers the following questions that may help: What are children and young people with SEN’s entitlements when schools are closed? What if I don’t want to send my child to school, for example because they have a weakened immune system? If my child has an EHC plan, doesn’t the LA have a legal duty to deliver that provision? Will residential schools close? If my child was out of school before the school closures were ordered, do I still have an entitlement to alternative education? How long are schools likely be closed? What about home to school transport? Do the LA still need to carry out EHC needs assessments? Will SEND Tribunal appeals continue? Will annual reviews...
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UK school closures: Impact on SEND

Contact have issued a short FAQ around the UK school closures and the impact on SEND children and those with EHCPs. Key point: "Further government guidance is expected... but we understand that the government will not be compelling parents to send their children to school if they don't want to and can safely be at home." ...
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FAQs about COVID-19 for parents/carers of children with SEND

Brighton & Hove SENDIASS have created an excellent and comprehensive FAQ information page for parents/carers and young people about how COVID-19 may effect things.Topics covered include: Health, Mental Health, Education, Social Care, Appointments and Meetings, Money. Please be aware that this resource is specifically aimed at Brighton & Hove residents, so support groups/links may not be suited. Don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. Keep an eye on our website and social media. We will be posting updates and links to appropriate support and guidance. Click here for a statement about the SENDIASS Leicester service. ...
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Service update regarding COVID-19

Service update regarding COVID-19

SENDIASS Leicester is very aware that Covid-19 (Corona Virus) will be causing a lot of anxiety in these challenging times. We would like to reassure you that our service is still available. This means that you can access our services through phone, email, our website and social media for impartial information, advice and support. Don’t hesitate to contact us should you simply want to discuss your concerns. Following Government advice, we’d like to make you aware of a key change as we will not be attending any face-to-face meetings or delivering workshops. We will continue to keep you updated. Ways to contact us: Facebook: @sendiassleicester Twitter: @SendiassL Email: info@sendiassleicester.org.uk Phone: 0116 482 0870 Website: https://sendiassleicester.org.uk/ Further Support: SENDIASS Leicester FAQsExtra Resources and OrganisationsIPSEA: www.ipsea.org.uk Contact: www.contact.org.ukSpecial Needs Jungle: www.specialneedsjungle.com ...
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IASS Minimum Standards

The Minimum Standards for Information Advice and Support Services (IASS, sometimes known as SENDIASS) were finalised in September 2018. These are part of the IAS Programme and will be the basis of future operational plans and linked funding in 2019/20. The standards were drawn up by a group of IASS managers, parents, LA reps and the chair of the IASP board, in consultation with the DfE. They are based on the law, the SEND Code and the IASS Quality Standards (which they now supercede). The consultation process recieved feedback from IAS Services, LA staff, third sector organisations, health services and parents.  We use the term ‘advocacy’ in these standards, and we are using a definition of advocacy which we think accurately describes the work and role of IASS. An easy read version of the standards is available here. Minimum StandardsDownload Easy Read Minimum StandardsDownload ...
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