Service update regarding COVID-19
SENDIASS Leicester is very aware that Covid-19 (Corona Virus) will be causing a lot of anxiety in these challenging times. We would like to reassure you that our service is still available. This means that you can access our services through phone, email, our website and social media for impartial information, advice and support. Don’t hesitate to contact us should you simply want to discuss your concerns.
Following Government advice, we’d like to make you aware of a key change as we will not be attending any face-to-face meetings or delivering workshops. We will continue to keep you updated.
Ways to contact us:
Facebook: @sendiassleicester Twitter: @SendiassL Email: info@sendiassleicester.org.uk Phone: 0116 482 0870 Website: https://sendiassleicester.org.uk/
Further Support:
SENDIASS Leicester FAQsExtra Resources and OrganisationsIPSEA: www.ipsea.org.uk Contact: www.contact.org.ukSpecial Needs Jungle: www.specialneedsjungle.com...