Local Offer Live 2020

This annual event brings the Leicester City Local Offer website to life by showcasing special educational needs and disability related services, for parent, carers, children and young people between the ages 0 – 25. The Local Offer Live, will include professionals from the local areas statutory education, health and social care services, as well as the voluntary sector, independent advice and support providers. There will be workshops in the morning and performances in the afternoon....
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IASS Minimum Standards

The Minimum Standards for Information Advice and Support Services (IASS, sometimes known as SENDIASS) were finalised in September 2018. These are part of the IAS Programme and will be the basis of future operational plans and linked funding in 2019/20. The standards were drawn up by a group of IASS managers, parents, LA reps and the chair of the IASP board, in consultation with the DfE. They are based on the law, the SEND Code and the IASS Quality Standards (which they now supercede). The consultation process recieved feedback from IAS Services, LA staff, third sector organisations, health services and parents.  We use the term ‘advocacy’ in these standards, and we are using a definition of advocacy which we think accurately describes the work and role of IASS. An easy read version of the standards is available here. Minimum StandardsDownload Easy Read Minimum StandardsDownload...
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Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Inquiry

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Inquiry

In 2014, the Government introduced changes to the SEND system, with the intention of offering simpler, improved and consistent help for children and young people with SEND. The Government claimed these changes would give families greater choice in decisions. The Committee’s inquiry has reviewed these reforms, how they have been implemented, and what impact they are having. Read the interactive report here....
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