You will find a variety of our resources on this page. We aim to provide accessible information to parents/carers, professionals and children/young people. You will find that many of the topics have different types of resources, including “Detailed Packs”, “Children & Young People” and “Easy Read”. We have also produced our resources in both colour and greyscale.
If you require alterations to be made or if you have any questions, please email our digital officer
Annual Reviews

An introduction to the Annual Review process for an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP). For our free training on Annual Review, please visit our Training Page.
- What is an Annual Review? (CYP Colour)
- What is an Annual Review? (CYP Greyscale)
- What is an Annual Review? (Detailed Pack)
- What is an Annual Review? (Easy Read Colour)
- What is an Annual Review? (Easy Read Greyscale)
For help in gaining Children and Young People's views in their Annual Review, see our Interactive Picture Card Activity.
Complaints Procedures
Do you have a child or young person with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities?
Do you have a complaint you are looking to resolve?
We have a series of videos explaining the different complaints you might have and the correct procedures you must follow. For the full list of Complaints videos, visit the drop down boxes below.
Full Complaints Procedures
Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCP)

An introduction to Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCP). For our free training on EHCP’s, please visit our Training Page.
For help in gaining Children and Young People's views in their EHCP, see our Interactive Picture Card Activity.
Elective Home Education (EHE)
- What is “Elective Home Education”?
- How EHE can be done when your child has an EHCP
- Education Otherwise than in a School (EOTAS)
- Parental Duties
- Duties of the Local Authority
- SEND Code of Practice:
- DfE, All You Need To Know About Home Schooling and Elective Home Education:
- Children and Families Act:
- Elective Home Education Departmental Guidance for Parents (2019):
- Education Act 1996:
- Elective home education departmental guidance for local authorities (2019):
- The Home Education Advisory Service:
- Education Otherwise Association:
- Leicester City Council: Education at Home Policy:
Fixed-Term and Permanent Exclusions
- Do you want to understand more about the types of school exclusions?
- Would you like to understand you and your child’s rights around school exclusions?
- Do you have questions about how to appeal a decision to exclude your child?
Funding for SEN
This information is about funding for special educational needs (SEN) in mainstream schools. This includes academies and free schools. You can access the SEND Code of Practice online at and search ‘SEND Code of Practice’.
Health Care
All families will come into contact with the NHS at some point for healthcare, but if your child has a disability or health condition then you may find you use lots of different services provided by the NHS and have more frequent contact with health professionals.
On our Health Care page, you may find some pointers and organisations that may help you, your child/young person or your family when it comes to healthcare for those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.
Mental Health in Schools
- Would you like to understand more about Mental Health support in schools in England?
- What is “Emotionally-Based School Avoidance”?
- Where to access help and support for your child with SEND?
- “DfE: School attendance” -
- “Oxfordshire County Council: Emotionally‐based school avoidance (EBSA)” -
- “West Sussex County Council: Printable Resources” -
- “Suffolk County Council: Resources” -
- “DfE: Keeping Children Safe in Education” -
- “DfE: Mental Health and Behaviour in Schools” -
- “DfE: Transforming Children and Young People’s Mental Health Provision” -
- “Senior Mental Health Lead Training” -
- “DfE: DfE Assured Senior Mental Health Lead Training Courses” -
- “Tavistock & Portman NHS: Senior Mental Health Lead Training“ -
- “Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families” -
- “Place2Be” -
- “DfE Assured Senior Mental Health Lead Training Courses” -
- “Mental Health Support Teams (MHSTs)” -
- “MHST Trailblazing Programme”
- “Promoting Children and Young People's Mental Health and Wellbeing” -
- “NCB” -
- “Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Integrated Care System Board” -
- “Social Prescribing” -
- “Kooth” -
- “Leicester Local Offer” -
- “Leicester City Council” -
- “NHS website” -
Pre-Needs Assessment
Do you feel that your child/young person needs more support in their educational setting? Do you need to know how to request more help from their educational setting? Would you like to know what you can do as a parent/carer of a child with Special Educational Needs (SEN)?
Our Pre-Needs Assessment packs can give you some more information about the process.
- Pre-Needs Assessment Process (Detailed Pack)
- Pre-Needs Assessment Process (Detailed Greyscale Pack)
- Pre-Needs Assessment Process (Easy Read Pack)
- Pre-Needs Assessment Process (Easy Read Greyscale Pack)
- Pre-Needs Assessment Process (Children and Young People Pack)
- Pre-Needs Assessment Process (Children and Young People Greyscale Pack)
Preparing for Adulthood (PfA)
Is your child approaching Year 9? Do you want to know what choices are available for your child? Are you looking for support to help your child transition in to adulthood?
Preparing for Meetings
Are you about to have a meeting at your child or young persons school or college? Would you like to feel more prepared for the meeting? Would you like to know where you can find further support?
Professionals Guidance
Are you a professional working with children and young people with SEND?
Would you like a little more guidance on how to involve CYP in your work with them?
Our handy resources may give you some starting points:
- Getting Involved in Children and Young People Processes
- Do you work closely with CYP with SEND?
- Do you wish to understand how you can support CYP in different ways?
- Do you know the processes a CYP may go through within their education?
- Ways to Communicate with Children and Young People with SEND
- Do you work with CYP 0-25 years with Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND)?
- Would you like to understand how to make communication more accessible and inclusive?
- Would you like to understand about tools you can use to help you gain CYP views?
Refusal to Assess
After making a request for a Statutory Assessment for your child/young person, you may receive a "Refusal to Assess" letter from the Local Authority. Our helpful booklet can guide you through your options.
If you would like our support with this, please get in touch.
IPSEA have also produced a long and detailed Refusal to Assess Support Pack
You can find more resources on the IPSEA website or visit our Resources and Organisations page.
Refusal to Assess Appeal Form (SEND 35A)
The SEND 35A Form should be used to appeal a local authority’s decision not to secure an EHC needs assessment of a child or young person. You can appeal a decision as a:
- parent, someone with parental responsibility, or someone who cares for a child
- young person aged 16 to 24 (or an advocate or ‘alternative person’ acting on their behalf)
For the PDF, please download here. To watch the video, scroll down or visit our youtube channel.
- Special Educational Needs and Disability Tribunal - Appeal a refusal to secure an EHC Needs Assessment: Form SEND35A:
- Our helpful PDF Guide:
Request to Appeal Form (SEND 35)
The SEND 35 Form is used to appeal a local authority’s decision about a child or young person. You can appeal a decision as a:
- parent, someone with parental responsibility, or someone who cares for a child
- young person aged 16 to 24 (or an advocate or ‘alternative person’ acting on their behalf)
For the PDF, please download here. To watch the video, scroll down or visit our youtube channel.
- Special Educational Needs and Disability Tribunal appeal: Form SEND35:
- Our helpful PDF Guide:
Social Care
Local authorities have a legal responsibility to help families with disabled children. Many children have additional needs and disabilities, and some are more severely affected than others. Some disabled children, their parents/carers and siblings will need practical support both inside the home and outside it.
Support to Appeal (EHCP)
When applying for an Education, Health and Care Plan you may find some errors. You, your child/young person or the school may choose to Appeal a decision that has been made. The following links will give you access to our resources.
If you are going through an appeal and would like our help, please get in touch.
Complaints Procedures
Complaints Procedures
Do you have a child or young person with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities?
Do you have a complaint you are looking to resolve?
This short video will explain the process and procedures you will need to follow – it will direct you to our various videos on the topics that may help you resolve your complaint. Complaints may include:
- An issue with an EHCP
- About a nursery/school/college
- A data protection issue/breach
- Disability Discrimination
Local Authority
- What can you complain to the Local Authority about?
- What does the process entail?
- What you can do if you disagree with the decision?
- Leicester City Local Authority Complaints:
- Leicester City Local Offer, Complaints Procedure:
Nursery, School or College
- Why you might complain
- What is the “Best Endeavours Duty”
- Legal rights to Inclusive Education
- The complaints process
- Next Steps
- Children and Families Act:
- SEND Code of Practice:
- Equality Act 2010:
- Alliance for Inclusive Education (ALLFIE):
- Leicester City Local Authority Complaints:
- Leicester City Local Offer, Complaints Procedure:
- IPSEA Model Letter to the LA:
- IPSEA’s Best Endeavours Model Letter:
- School Standards and Framework Act 1998:
- Child Law Advice:
Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman (LGSCO)
- What is the LGSCO?
- What complaints can they consider?
- What is the procedure of complaining to the LGSCO?
- What are the possible outcomes?
- Leicester City Local Authority Complaints:
- Leicester City Local Offer, Complaints Procedure:
- LGSCO Website:
Judicial Review
- What is a “Judicial Review”?
- Who can bring one?
- What does the process entail?
- What are the possible outcomes?
- SOS!SEN: Call 0300 302 8731 or visit their website;
- Legal Aid Keycard:
- Legal Aid Website:
- What complaints can OFSTED hear?
- How to make a complaint to OFSTED?
- What to do if your child is in an Independent School
- Next Steps
- OFSTED Website:
- OFSTED Complaint Form:
- Independent Schools Council:
- Independent Schools Inspectorate:
Department for Education (DfE)
- Why you might complain to the DfE?
- Potential Remedies
- What to do if your child attends an Independent School?
- How to complain to the DfE?
- Next Steps
- DfE/ESFA Online Form:
- Complain About A Further Education College/Apprenticeship:
Disability Discrimination
- What is Disability Discrimination?
- Who Can Bring A Claim?
- Types of Discrimination
- The SEND Tribunal for Disability Discrimination
- Appealing a Decision
- Legal Aid Keycard:
- Equality and Human Rights Commission; Reasonable adjustments for disabled pupils:
- Alliance for Inclusive Education (ALLFIE):
- Making a Formal Complaint:
- Complaining to the Department for Education about a school or college:
- Complaining to OFSTED:
- SEND Tribunal Disability Discrimination Claim:
- Complain About A School:
- SEND Tribunal site:
- Challenging SEND Tribunal Decisions:
Information Commissioner (ICO)
- Who are the ICO?
- What can you complain to the ICO about?
- Next Steps
- ICO Website:
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