Join the National Children’s Bureau as they present information about strategic responses to the emotional wellbeing and mental health needs of children and young people. You can view the full advert below:

Responding to emotional wellbeing and mental health needs of children and young people: learning from HeadStart partnerships
Please join us to hear about strategic responses to the emotional wellbeing and mental health needs of children and young people.
Wednesday 20th October 2021 1-4pm.
Please register here
This event is delivered by the National Children’s Bureau in collaboration with the HeadStart Partnerships.
Evidence shows that children and young people’s emotional wellbeing and mental health is worsening.1 As the current pandemic continues, local areas are considering how best to identify need, address vulnerabilities and increase access to support and treatment quickly and effectively.
This is an opportunity to hear examples of good practice from HeadStart partnerships, part of a six-year programme funded by The National Lottery Community Fund.
Covid-19 has presented interminable system challenges for schools, local authorities, health services and voluntary/community organisations working to minimise the education, social, physical and emotional impact of the ongoing pandemic.
This event will be particularly relevant for those stakeholders and agencies who are devising or implementing responses to the emotional wellbeing and mental health needs for children and young people.
The event will cover:
- National policy updates ‘setting the scene’ on strategic implementation in supporting children and young people’s emotional wellbeing and mental health
- Key learning, insight and outcomes from HeadStart partnerships on the development and implementation of initiatives, testing out new approaches and transforming local systems to support children, young people and parents in their schools and communities.
This is an online event. More details and a full agenda will be shared close to the time. We look forward to seeing you there.
1 ‘Rates of probable mental disorders have increased since 2017. In 2020, one in six children aged 5 to 16 years were identified as having a probable mental disorder, increasing from one in nine in 2017.’ NHS Digital survey (2020)
The HeadStart programme has been funded by The National Lottery Community Fund from 2016-21 to test and explore ways to help build young people’s resilience and prevent serious mental health issues from occurring. The six HeadStart areas (Blackpool, Cornwall, Hull, Kent, Newham and Wolverhampton) have developed local programmes co-produced with young people and parents and built local relationships and systems with schools, local authorities, health services, voluntary and community organisations and local services to form effective partnerships.