As COVID-19 (Corona Virus) has developed and government advice changed, several schools have announced full and partial closures. Please see below a list of these schools:
- Moat Community College: “From Thu 19th March year’s 7, 8 & 9 will be educated at home & will not come into school. The closure for these year groups will be until Friday 27th March, in the first instance. Year 10 &11 should attend school as normal.”
- The City of Leicester College: “The college has made the decision to suspend lessons in college for all students from 18 March 2020 until further notice.
- Babington Academy: “As a result of a partial school closure Year 9 will be working from home until Friday 3rd April. To support students with this they have all been provided with a home learning project booklet.
- Soar Valley College: “We will need to close the school to years 8 and 9, beginning on Thursday 19th March and until further notice. Years 7, 10 and 11 are still expected to come into school as normal. Lessons will go on as usual for these students until further notice and we will monitor the situation on a day-by-day basis.”
- Beaumont Leys School: “Partial closures: Year 9 will not be in school tomorrow (Thursday 19th) and no Year 8 on Friday 20th. Everyone else is in school apart from those self-isolating.”
- Orchard Mead Academy: “The school will be closed on Thursday 19th and Friday 20th March to years 8, 9 and 10. Please see the letter communicating this closure here. The school remains open to years 7 and 11 and students of critical workers.”
- Judgemeadow Community College: “The decision has been taken to undertake a partial closure of school for Year 8 ONLY. The school letter can be seen here”
- Ellesmere College: “Due to significant staff shortages we have made the difficult decision to close school to the majority of KS3 on Thursday 19th and Friday 20th March. We hope to fully reopen as soon as possible, and will send updates as soon as we have any further information.”
- The Lancaster Academy: “We will enact a partial school closure has been taken and Year 9 will be working from home from today (18th March) until the Friday 3rd April. A letter has been sent home with your child giving clear instructions about how to access work through this portal.”
- Sir Johnathan North: “Due to the current shortages in staffing we are currently facing, and will continue to face, we have taken the difficult decision to enforce a partial closure, which will affect Year 8 only. From tomorrow (19th March) and until further notice we will no longer be providing on‐site education to Year 8 and will instead support them through on‐line means. They will be closing Friday 20th March at 12:30 to provide staff with further training on on-line education.