A carer is anyone who cares, unpaid, for a friend or family member who due to illness, disability, substance misuse or a mental health need or an addiction cannot manage without their support.
The carer strategy is a plan that includes things that we think should happen in Leicester to make life better for carers. The Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland (LLR) carers strategy is due to be updated. It can be found on here.
The original strategy was put together before COVID19. The past 18 months has therefore impacted on many things, and the LLR are looking at what needs to be updated to account for the needs of Leicester City carers.
LLR Statement:
“The information you provide in your answers will be collated alongside information we have already collected in our conversations with carers, the work we have done together with carers and from local and national information. All of this will be used to develop the LLR Carers Strategy 2022-2025. Once this has been developed, we will share a draft version to ensure that carers, other local stakeholders and groups as well as the general public can comment on the strategy prior to it being approved.
A document listing the strategy priorities and actions taken under the current carer strategy can be found online, but you do not need to open this to complete the survey if you do not want to.
If you would like to share your views but you’re unable to complete this survey, please contact the Leicester Carer Support Service on 0116 222 0538.
Thank you for your assistance. Your views are incredibly important to us.”