What is an Annual Review
The purpose of an EHC plan Annual Review is to ensure that the contents of the EHC plan are still relevant and are helping your child to make progress towards their aspirations and the outcomes in their plan.
The Annual Review is an opportunity to look closely at the plan and make sure it is helping your child to achieve what they would like to be able to do as they get older.
You will be able to propose any changes you would like to see made to their plan, for example with the support that is provided or with the outcomes themselves.
What happens at an Annual Review?
This is a formal meeting so there should be at least you and a member of staff from the school, usually the SENCO. The school may invite other practitioners who are working with your child and you can also make a request for someone you would like to be invited. You should be told who is going to attend and you can take someone with you to support you. If you are worried about going or not happy with the way things are working then you can contact SENDIASS Leicester to ask for advice and ask if someone from the service can attend (this may be possible with advanced notice and is dependent on availability).
Before the Annual Review you will be asked for your views (Section A). All information, including any updated reports must be circulated 2 weeks before the Annual Review meeting.
The school then have 2 weeks to send of the paperwork from the Annual Review meeting to the SEND case officer. They then have a further 2 weeks (4 weeks from the meeting) to decide if they will amend the EHC plan, leave it as it is or cease to maintain it.
For more, have a look at our information booklet on Annual Reviews.